Sunday, November 9, 2014

Welcome to our Blog/newsletter

Hello all and welcome to our blog. We have been in the DR Congo for 6 weeks now ! Sorry that we have not gotten any word out as we have been busy with work and getting situated. We originally planed on a newsletter and that doesn't seem to be the best option for us at the moment so, hopefully this blog can be a good replacement. Feel free to follow us. Above is one of the many planes we flew in on. We flew from North Carolina to Detroit to Amsterdam to Rwanda to Uganda and then finally to the DR Congo on a small plane like the one above. Thank you all for covering our travel in your prayers.
This is our house in the town of Bunia. We are currently making it homier. It is a lot nicer than we expected, but still has some challenges. I should note that it is surrounded by eight foot walls with razor wire on the top. Sometimes we feel like were camping inside as there is some plumbing and electrical issues. Our motto has become "keep your headlamp close". Overall, we are very grateful for it and it sure beats a tent !
This is us on a short hiking trip we took. Behind us is lake Albert and on the other side of the lake is Uganda. That is all for now. We just wanted to get some type of communication out there to all of you who are thinking about us and praying for us. In the next post we will try to explain more about the work we are doing in the DR Congo and so everyone is clear from now on when we write DRC that stands for Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Thank you all,
                                                                                                      Travis & Jordanne